Monday, 24 June 2013

Target Toy Sale ~ Gift Card Giveaway

Target's Toy Sale starts Wednesday and I have a $50 giftcard to giveaway.


One of the many 'tricky' decisions I've had to make as a parent is letting my kids write wish lists if I know that it might create disappointment because the wants wishes are unrealistic, out of the budget or on the NO guns & noisy toys list.

It feels mean to build up false hopes, so I do try to steer them in the right direction.

I later realised - there were too many pleases , whatever ;)

We don't get any store or toy catalogues at the farm, much to the disappointment of my boys.
Is that a good or bad thing ?

Last week the boys thought it was Christmas , not to mention their birthday, when I asked if they wanted to see Target Toy Sale catalogue online.

The Target Toy Sale starts this Wednesday 26th June to Wednesday 17 July, 2013
The Little Drummers also have a big 7th birthday in one week - so exciting is building. Lego is top of the list.

(How did that happen so quickly !)

Joel was home from school sick, so he and I got one on one time, to look peacefully. I printed off a Santa wish-list with 4 choices only  (and told him they might not get any or all of them because Christmas was still 6 months away). [But giving parents lots of time for lay-by and Target will hide toys till 22/12 !].

We quickly discovered that each toy image on the page was click-able and I didn't need my magnifying glass to get more information.

Look 20% off Lego, Mum and new Super-heroes, and Skylanders are buy one get one free !
When Sam arrived home, Joel was quick to point out the things he liked and those that Sam should add to his list.

Decisions , Decisions !

Both felt they had been good all the time LOL !
Target has provided one $50 gift card  to spend during the three weeks of Australia’s BIGGEST TOY Sale?

Just tell me, in 25 words or less, what is going on your wish-list  ?

There is even a Target toy sale app , kids can bring toys to life with augmented reality and more - Find out details on how to enter more fun competitions with prizes here

Terms and Conditions.
1. Only Australian Residents are eligible to enter.
2. Entries not answering the question will be deemed invalid. The winner will be chosen by originality and creative merit, not by chance. Judges decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
3.There is one $50 gift card prize as above.
4. Entries - Open 24/6/2013 - Close 11.59pm 30/6/2013 AEST. The winner will be notified by email, and posted to after they reply - Winner has 3 days to respond or a new winner will be drawn.
5. The Prize is not transferable, changeable or redeemable for cash.
6. Prizes sent out by PR firm directly will not be replaced in the event that they are stolen, lost or damaged in transit.
7. Subscribe to my blog  to receive MLDB updates.
8. Follow via Facebook or Bloglovin on the sidebar .

Disclaimer: For hosting this giveaway and telling you my opinions on the Target Toy sale , I was provided with a gift card as well as a $50 gift card for one of my readers.

Comments (36)

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Fireman Sam station, Fireman Sam helmet and a Peppa Pig jumbo play set. Exciting list we have here!
My recent post Go Orange June Challenge
On my list will be Lego friends,mini pillow pets and peppa pig oh and top model books for miss .5yo
I've got twin toddlers so I hope to get them the cubby for Christmas. It's expensive but as a joint present that they'll be able to use for several years I think its worth it. I looked at it at target yesterday and I know the boys would love it!
I'd buy my son the Razor Grom Black And Yellow T-Bar Scooter. He's autistic and not well balanced, but he's convinced he can stay on this one. He loves the colours too.
What is going on MY wishlist? Sleep!

Oh, the wit. Ahem. Back to it. A cubby house or swing set - the renovations are nearly done, just the backyard left, and it will (I repeat, WILL!) be ready by Christmas. WILL.

Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Good luck to everyone!
My recent post Telling me to 'relax' does not make me relax
Anything Peppa related would be a winner in this household :)
My recent post {Recipe} Chickpea and Pumpkin Slice
Charlotte L.'s avatar

Charlotte L. · 612 weeks ago

A bike for my daughter,
Scooter for my son,
Two new helmets,
And they're off to have some fun!
Philippa R's avatar

Philippa R · 612 weeks ago

A trampoline to jump away the fidgets and the kids would like costumes , superman, ninja turtles and jake and the neverland pirates.
Mary Preston's avatar

Mary Preston · 612 weeks ago

LEGO The Lone Ranger Constitution Train Chase (totally cool), for adults too & you always need more LEGO to be spread around and stood on.
With two boys my list screams cars! Remote control, hot wheels, racing track set etc
Well my wish list is for another year of healthy and happy kids and family. Much less stress and cranky mummy on my behalf, and I hope that hubby keeps his job so I don't have to abandon my post and work more and see less of my kids. HOWEVER, my wish list for me.... selfishly, once a month massage, twice a year away with husband without kids, once a year away with the whole family (and of course enough funds to do it all) xx
The table tennis table, the kids and hubby would love it, I will love attempting to play!
L-EGO, LEGO, and more LEGO
E-ntertains for hours
G-reat skill and educational development
O-nly limited by your imagination
Our little humans have chosent he Dinosaur Train toys!! Big Dino fans in our home!
My recent post The Things I Dream About...

JILL MACMULLEN · 612 weeks ago

My daughter loves to flap her wings,
she’ll dance like Abby and sing.
Magic with her she'd love to share,
because no other fairy compares!
Melissa Jones's avatar

Melissa Jones · 612 weeks ago

My 3 yrs old always indulges in vehicles, from morning to night. Can't believe it? It's true. On my list there're two words - Hot Wheels!
Stacey Shailer's avatar

Stacey Shailer · 612 weeks ago

Anything with Thomas the Tank Engine, my little man is obsessed with him and will happily play quietly for hours!
1 trampoline
2 My Little Pony and Octonaut packs
3 wheel Disney Princess scooters
4 my little girls for their Christmas Santa sacks.
The FuReal friends giggling Monkey - its adorable, my girls would love it to death!
We have got iPod Mini's on the shopping list this year... they will all love them. They won't get much else with that on the list!
Jade O'shea 's avatar

Jade O'shea · 611 weeks ago

Batman lego. Screw the children this one is for me! No lol my brother would have hours of fun with the batman lego set, I'll have as much joy watching him play with it (and maybe I can play when he is asleep!)
Headphones, 4 different colours so no arguments over who has lost theirs.
Lego for me, I mean my children.
Anything Peppa Pig because I like her as much as my boys do.
Skylanders. My 5 year old is obsessed and eagerly awaiting the release of skylander swap force.
On my wish list is a Dora Explorer Kitchen for my dear daughter, for Dora is her favourite character and cooking is her favourite game to play.


Your twins have the cutest handwriting!

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